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PlayStation Supports PS5 Game Resale

PlayStation: In the social media buzz, rumors circulate that PlayStation is putting a halt to the sharing of physical games. This has sparked confusion and concerns among gamers, raising questions about Sony’s intentions to control gamers’ content ownership. Let’s delve into the details and debunk the myths surrounding these speculations.

Fans discovered a clause in Sony’s Terms of Service stating, “You must not resell either disc-based games or digital games unless expressly authorized by us and, if the publisher is another company, additionally by the publisher.” This caused an immediate uproar, particularly as physical games are the primary means for gamers to share or sell their games.

Historical Context: Reselling Prohibitions Throughout Sony’s History

It’s crucial to clarify that this is not a new development. Sony’s Terms of Service has consistently included this reselling prohibition. A fan even shared a screenshot of a Final Fantasy VII disc from the PS1 in 1994, revealing a similar reselling prohibition. Updates to the Terms of Service are not uncommon, and historical instances show that panic ensued among fans during previous updates.

Shuhei Yoshida’s Assurance

Shuhei Yoshida, former PlayStation president, addressed similar concerns in 2013 when reselling prohibitions were introduced for the PS4 in the European Terms of Service. Yoshida reassured fans that they could still “sell or share” their PS4 discs. This pattern extends to the PS5, indicating that while there may be a rule against reselling or sharing discs, it’s not a groundbreaking change.

Not Exclusive to PlayStation: Microsoft’s Similar Clause

Contrary to popular belief, this situation is not exclusive to PlayStation. Microsoft also incorporates a similar clause in their policy, stating that copying, renting, leasing, selling, and exporting games you own violates their Terms of Service. Both Sony and Microsoft maintain policies aimed at preventing unauthorized game distribution.

The Current Stand: You Can Still Share and Resell Your PS5 Games

As it stands, no new checks in place from Sony prohibit sharing or render games unusable if they have been resold. This situation applies not only to PlayStation but also to Xbox Series games. Gamers can continue to share and resell their PS5 and Xbox Series games without fear of significant changes.

The Facts Unveiled

Digging into the facts reveals that the recent uproar surrounding PlayStation’s alleged ban on physical game sharing is based on longstanding clauses in Sony’s Terms of Service. Historical context, reassurances from key figures like Shuhei Yoshida, and the presence of similar policies by Microsoft all contribute to dispelling the rumors.

Game Sharing Throughout Sony’s History

Examining Sony’s history, we find that the reselling prohibition is not a novel concept. From the PS1 era to the recent PS5, this clause has persisted. Fans have weathered previous updates to the Terms of Service, each time discovering that the ability to share or sell games remains intact.

Shuhei Yoshida’s Reassurance: A Consistent Pattern

Shuhei Yoshida’s statement in 2013 regarding the PS4 reselling prohibitions echoes in the current PS5 scenario. His assurance that fans can still “sell or share” their discs underscores the continuity of policies across PlayStation generations.

Microsoft’s Parallel Policy

It’s essential to recognize that Sony’s policies are not unique. Microsoft, with its Xbox Series, shares a similar stance on preventing unauthorized game distribution. Both gaming giants prioritize protecting intellectual property rights through these clauses.


Is PlayStation really banning the resale of physical PS5 games?

No, PlayStation is not banning the resale of physical PS5 games. The recent uproar is based on longstanding clauses in Sony’s Terms of Service, and historical context reveals this is not a new development.

Can I still share my PS5 games with friends?

Yes, you can still share your PS5 games with friends. The reselling prohibition in Sony’s Terms of Service does not prevent gamers from sharing their physical games among friends.

What about Xbox Series games? Can they be shared or resold?

Similarly, Xbox Series games can still be shared and resold. Microsoft also has a policy against unauthorized game distribution, but it doesn’t prevent legitimate sharing or resale.

How has Sony addressed similar concerns in the past?

Shuhei Yoshida, former PlayStation president, addressed similar concerns in 2013 during the introduction of reselling prohibitions for the PS4. His reassurance then is consistent with the current situation.

Are there any new restrictions on sharing or reselling games on the PS5?

No, there are no new restrictions on sharing or reselling games on the PS5. Fans can continue to share and resell their games without encountering significant changes.

Does Microsoft have a similar policy to Sony regarding game distribution?

Yes, Microsoft has a similar policy regarding game distribution. Both Sony and Microsoft have clauses in their Terms of Service aimed at preventing unauthorized game distribution.

Shubh Rai

Hi, I'm Shubh. I work as a Software Engineer and also write blog posts about trending tech topics. I love learning new things and sharing my knowledge with others. In my free time, I enjoy coding and writing.

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